Reading starts in our nurseries with children playing with rhyme and sound and hearing traditional tales. They progress to being fluent readers via a systematic phonics scheme called 'Read Write Inc' which is validated for use in schools by the Department for Education. Comprehension is taught in KS1 and 2 using a 'Shared Reading' approach. All pupils are encouraged to read the Trust 'Reading Spine' which made up of high quality classic and contemporary children's literature. Children have access to the Accelerated Reader online system to help manage their home-school reading and develop a love of books. Teachers read to classes everyday. Fiction Express is used to support e-reading at KS2.
Writing starts in our nurseries with mark making and children verbally creating and acting out their own stories using the 'Helicopter Story' approach. From spring in Reception to Year 6 we use the 'Talk for Writing' approach. Children learn to tell stories to build a bank of; phrases, characters, settings and plots to use in their own writing. They develop their vocabulary and confidence playing word and sentence games. Teachers model the writing process through shared writing. Short-burst writing is used to ensure children write often and across the curriculum. Teachers demonstrate the conventions of grammar and punctuation for children to apply to their own writing.
Spelling & Handwriting
Teachers teach the conventions and rules of spelling. Children practice and learn spelling lists using 'Spellzone'.
Children develop their letter formation through the Read Write Inc scheme as they learn their sounds. They learn to join letters by following the 'Nelson Handwriting Programme'. Whenever they are writing they strive to beat their personal best which is displayed on desks to act as a guide. They can also choose to be assessed by their teacher for a 'Pen License' when they feel their handwriting has reached the Trust standard.